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Soluzioni Personalizzate per Ogni Esigenza<br /><br />Offriamo una vasta gamma di servizi, dalla progettazione alla produzione, fino al controllo finale della qualità. Utilizzando tecnologie avanzate e macchinari all'avanguardia, siamo in grado di realizzare componenti di precisione che soddisfano gli standard qualitativi più elevati. Il nostro team di esperti lavora a stretto contatto con i clienti per sviluppare soluzioni personalizzate, garantendo tempi di consegna rapidi e massima efficienza.

Precision Mechanical Machining in Turin

Welcome to the world of Proto Mecc s.a.s, where passion for innovation and perfection come together to offer you the full service you've always wanted. We are here to make your prototype and small mechanical series management experience an absolute success..

Your Solution for Prototype and Small Mechanical Series Management

Have you ever experienced the frustration of dealing with endless bureaucracy and wasted time and money in the manufacturing process? With Proto Mecc s.a.s, you can finally say goodbye to all these worries. We are here to simplify your path in managing the prototypes and small mechanical series ,ensuring efficiency and superior quality results.

Precision Mechanical Machining in Turin

Our machine shop specializes in precision machining ,and we also deal with 3D printing, sheet metal cutting and light and heavy carpentry.Our extensive experience and solid partnerships built over the years enable us to handle every aspect of processing with the highest quality.

Customized Service to Handle Urgencies and Small Series

We recognize the importance of handling urgencies and small runs efficiently. Our answer to this challenge is to become the central point of reference for managing multiple jobs. You will no longer have to worry about delivery delays or job status control because we do it for you.

Maximum Transparency with a Personalized Client Area

We have also developed an innovative personalized customer area,where you can monitor the status of work in real time and communicate directly with our dedicated team. Maximum transparency and total control are at your fingertips.

Reliable Partner for Complex Processing

With Proto Mecc s.a.s, you have a reliable partner who simplifies the process of managing complex machining. Our dedication, attention to detail and solid partnerships are reflected in the final results, ensuring you successful prototypes and small runs of superior quality.

Contact Us Today for Your Success

Non permettere alla complessità delle lavorazioni di frenare la tua crescita. Unisciti a noi e scopri la potenza delle partnership. Contattaci oggi stesso per iniziare una collaborazione che ti offrirà risultati eccellenti e la tranquillità di avere sempre il meglio.

Proto Mecc s.a.s is here to support you all the way to success.

Non cercare oltre, il tuo partner affidabile per soddisfare le tue esigenze è Prototipazione Meccanica. Scopri come trasformiamo le tue idee in prototipi di successo. Contattaci oggi stesso e insieme realizzeremo grandi cose!


Celebrating an important anniversary, testifying to the solidity and perseverance of Proto Mecc s.a.s in the mechanical machining industry.

Proto Mecc s.a.s saw the light in 2023, founded with the mission of providing high-quality machining services. Since then, it has steadily grown and improved its capabilities, becoming a benchmark in the industry

2021 e 2022

Continued growth and development, with an unwavering commitment to meeting customer needs and overcoming industrial challenges.

Mechanical Prototyping has consistently experienced significant growth and continuous development over the years. This success has been driven by an unrelenting commitment to meeting customer needs and proactively overcoming industry challenges. The company has invested in research, innovation and staff training to ensure that it is prepared to meet the evolving challenges of the industry. Prototipazione Meccanica's continued growth and development is a testament to its commitment to excellence and ability to adapt to the changing dynamics of the industrial market.


Strategic collaborations and partnerships to expand domestic and international markets.

Le collaborazioni strategiche e le partnership hanno costituito un pilastro fondamentale per la crescita di Prototipazione Meccanica. Queste sinergie hanno consentito all'azienda di espandere con successo la sua presenza sia sui mercati nazionali che internazionali. L'approccio collaborativo ha permesso di condividere risorse, conoscenze e competenze, aprendo nuove opportunità di mercato e accrescendo la portata dell'azienda. Grazie a tali iniziative, Prototipazione Meccanica ha potuto offrire soluzioni sempre più diversificate e rispondere alle esigenze globali dei clienti in modo efficiente ed efficace.


Introducing innovative technologies to remain competitive in the industry.

The introduction of innovative technologies, such as 3D printing for steel, brass and aluminum, has been a strategic move for Prototipazione Meccanica. This initiative has enabled the company to remain highly competitive in the machining industry, ensuring greater efficiency and the ability to provide customized, high-quality solutions to customers. The adoption of these advanced technologies was an important step in maintaining market leadership while meeting the evolving needs of customers.


Expanding customer base and consolidating reputation for excellence in machining.

The steady expansion of the customer base has been the result of an unwavering commitment to excellence in machining by Prototipazione Meccanica. This commitment has led to the consolidation of the company's reputation as a benchmark in the industry. The growing trust of customers is recognition of the superior quality of the services offered and the constant search for innovative solutions. Prototipazione Meccanica's reputation as a reliable and experienced partner has become a key pillar of its growth.


Expansion of production capacity and acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment to improve the quality of services.

Throughout its growth, Prototipazione Meccanica has steadily invested in expanding manufacturing capabilities, with a focus on acquiring state-of-the-art equipment, including 3D printing technologies. This focused effort has contributed significantly to improving the quality of services offered, allowing the company to remain at the forefront of offering precision mechanical solutions.


Foundation of Mechanical Prototyping with the goal of providing precision machining services.

In 2015, the company "Mechanical Prototyping" was founded with the primary goal of offering precision machining services. This year marked the beginning of a journey dedicated to excellence in the industry, with an unconditional commitment to precision and quality. The founding of Prototyping Mechanical represented the first step toward a long history of success in meeting customer needs and offering high-precision mechanical solutions.

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