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The username and password are given at order confirmation to enter your own dedicated area.

Why a dedicated area?

Prototipazione Meccanica has always aimed to offer the best possible service in order to satisfy any need. The customer is at the center of our process and it is our care to offer the best experience.

What advantage do I have in using the dedicated area?

You will be able to see at any time wherever you are orders, , quantities purchased and item status.
In addition, you can download the order report in PDF or Excel format.

Is this a secure area?

Mechanical Prototyping has built this area according to the strictest cyber security protocols:
- No personal customer data is shared.
- Prices and Dates are hidden by default.
- Access is through an encrypted Password, even we cannot know it.
- The entire system is managed using the best https protocols.

Do you possess the login credentials ?
Access the customer area through the following web address https://www.prototipazionemeccanica.come/areaclienti/login.php by entering your personal user code and password that were sent to you by Mechanical Prototyping following your request.

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